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India as a whole with its people from 35 states and union territories carries their own distinct cultural and traditional identities. South India is the treasure house of the unmatched richness of Arts and Traditions. The land has given the world some unique Art, Architecture, Paintings, Sculptures, Literature Music, and Dance. The quintessential component of these parts which are the rich culture and traditions are highly recognized and well regarded in all of these awe-inspiring works of art.


Modern art in India that emerged post the colonial period was nationalist in ideology though original in style. Later in the 1970s both the Baroda School of Art in the west and the artists of the Cholamandal artist’s village in the South sought to be modern, free from the shackles of both Western and nationalistic ideology. 


Today South Indian art is no longer emerging within the outlines of a movement or ideology contemporary artists are deeply connected not only to the world but also inseparably from the culture in which they are rooted and this trend we have attempted to capture in our Art exhibition named SOUTHERN TRENDS 

Want to know more about the Cause?

Rural Reformers envision education for all children in India, increasing the likelihood of employment of our youth thus helping in nation-building. Rural Reformers are supporting FourthWave Foundation for School Readiness Program that will enable access to quality education to children with disabilities until these children transition into mainstream education in a phased manner.


We need immediate funds for ​Sustenance of SRP (School Readiness Program) in Rural Karnataka - For keeping the School Readiness Program (SRP) centers in Hubli-Dharwad operational, the NGO needs immediate funds without which the centers supporting hundreds of Children and staff/teachers might close.