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This exhibition of thirty works by fifteen promising artists cannot be characterized with any affinity of style or the other, nor can they be classified as belonging to an age or an epoch. However, each of them conceal in the expressive forms they represent on paper and canvas an enigma whose contours can be barely deciphered, but it calls upon the viewer look again, to see and to untangle what lies there. For the sake of understanding, we can group the artists into three categories. First, those artists who explore the self as a body, feeling and ideas. Second, artists who turn their eye outward focusing on nature, human endeavours, and activities and in the third category are artists who experiment with materials to create free flowing forms of varying shapes and colours.

The fifteen artists and their work showcased in this exhibition represent potentialities. Through allusions, gestures and marks located in their art works point towards possibilities. These potentialities are not definitive directions or achievable goals, but seductions of enigma that enraptures the viewer to look at them again and again.

- Dr. Pithamber Rao Polsani

Transdisciplinary researcher, Mentor, Teacher